Reality Meets Science® (RMS), is a groundbreaking organization founded by Dr. Tom Rifai in 2014. RMS focuses on translating top health science into real-world solutions to optimize and equalize health span and lifespan.
RMS’ proven Flex5 health transformation methodology is based on embracing skills and knowledge in 5 key domains of health: psychology, longevity nutrition, physical activity, environments, and accountability. The Flex5 is unparalleled in longevity lifestyles for it’s flexible, evolvable ability to be ultra personalized, making it the future model for clinical and health coaching programs, corporate wellbeing, public health and education and the most scalable gold standard digital health program ever created.
Through Flex5 digital, RMS will provide access to our world-class health transformation support globally, featuring Ai coaching, longevity nutrition scoring, biometric tracking GPS technology for health opportunities worldwide and much more.
RMS also offers platinum standard executive health coaching via our UVIP® (ultimate vitality for ideal performance) program. UVIP is an unparalleled, curated human health transformation experience proven at Fortune 500 C-suite level.
Whether through curated coaching, cutting edge digital health offerings or live speaking, engaging with RMS dramatically improves your odds to optimize health outcomes for individuals and organizations, opening the door wide for a more vibrant, rewarding, pleasurable and longer life.